Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fall Break Adventures - Part Two

Thursday, October 28th - submitted by Julie Christensen

Monday morning everyone woke up at 5am to run for the program Back on My Feet. This organization helps the homeless get back on their feet by building community through early morning runs three times a week. Everyone met at 5:30am at the shelter in downtown Philadelphia for the run. There were about twenty people total. After introductions, we split into two groups - one ran 1.4 miles and the other ran 4 miles. When everyone had finished running, we circled up one last time and then headed our separate ways. Around 10am, we began our drive and arrived in Boston around 4:30pm. After we arrived, we unpacked, ate dinner, and prepared for our work at IMEC the next day.
On Tuesday, the group woke up (somewhat unwillingly) at 6:45 to head to our first community service appointment. Considering none of us have significant experience with Boston's morning traffic, it was quite an accomplishment that we managed to get to North Andover by 9:15. We started our first shift at IMEC (International Medical Equipment Collaborative), an organization that packages medical supplies and sends them overseas to hospitals and clinics in developing countries. Their goal is to supply the world's poorest hospitals. We split into two groups and packaged "Administrative Suites" of desks, chairs, tables, etc. At noon, we headed back to the city for a meeting at Massachusetts General Hospital.
At Mass General we were greeted by Dr. John Stone, MD, MPH, a rheumatologist, who gave us a presentation of three cases he's been working on in terms of diagnosis and treatment. We even got to meet two of the patients and see pathology slides! Then Dr. Stone dropped us off at the Resident's Report where the hospital's second year residents meet to discuss unusual cases (in our case a young man with malaria). After we left Mass General, the group dispersed for dinner and evening activities.

maybe one day?! :-)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall Break Adventures

Three of the girls on the team (all in the pre-med track) are off to Boston for an educational/volunteering trip during Fall break. A total of 10 pre-med students from Oberlin are on the trip. Julie Christensen '13 spearheaded the organization, planning, and fundraising for everyone. Preeya Shah '13 and Brenna Sheldon '14 are the other two women's tennis players going along. The girls have agreed to write about their experiences and send pictures as well, so below is the first installment:

Monday October 25th, 2010 - Submitted by Brenna Sheldon
Sunday morning the plan to jog was scratched by all but Julie, in favor of sleep. We woke up and had eggs made by Julie’s aunt Ginny, bagels, apples, tea and juice. When everyone was fed and bathed we piled into the cars and drove to downtown Philadelphia. We met up with third year Jefferson Medical School Student, Ruben Rhoades, the son of Aunt Ginny’s close friend, who plans to specialize in Oncology. He gave us an informative tour of the main campus buildings, hospital, and took us to the anatomy lab where we saw and touched cadavers.

Ruben answered all our questions and explained the medical school application process. Most in our group seem extra motivated about med school now. After saying goodbye to Ruben we walked to Rittenhouse Square, ate lunch, and explored.

We returned to Ginny’s around 5:30 and chilled for a couple hours before an amazing chili/guacamole/salad/chicken feast. After dinner Micah took off to visit his Philly cousins. Vinnie, Julie, and Brenna made pumpkin pie while Alex played the violin and Preeya, Nick, Megan, Erin and Marion chatted on the front porch.

The night continues with beautiful music, good conversation, and pie.